Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Independant Overview of User Environment Management!

Ruben Spruijt at PQR has finished the last touch on his awesome whitepaper on not only WHY to invest in User Environment Management (Workspace Management), but also guidelines on HOW to chose a solution.

It contains a head-to-head analysis of the following vendors; 

Appsense, Citrix, Immidio, Liquidware Labs, Microsoft, Quest, RES Software, Scense, Tricerat, Unideska and VUEM.
This whitepaper is really good reading if you want to get an independent view on this subject of which I personally have been blogging about for a while now, maybe a bit biased ;-)
Some excerpts from the whitepaper:

"It’s important to have a Vision and Strategy around Application and Desktop Delivery. User Environment Management should be part of this Vision and Strategy. Designing, building, managing and maintaining the Optimized (Virtual) Desktop infrastructure using the right technologies, corresponding vendors and products is the destination."
"Our experience is when the organisation understands the meaning of user workspace management and sees the opportunities and benefits this provides to the users and the IT organisation, the customer is often surprised that this solution has not been applied earlier."
Please follow Ruben Spruijt on Twitter: @rspruijt to get more insight on this topic.
Rubens article can be found here along with a link to download the whitepaper.
For more information on RES Dynamic Desktop Studio please visit the website or read some of my blog entries here!
Great work Ruben and team!
